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Get familiar with notarytool (Xcode13)

·3 mins

Xcode and the tools #

In this post we will take a practical look at the new notarytool that helps to notarize macOS software before distribution.

Apple is in the process of updating Xcode to version 13, just before the upcoming fall release of macOS 12 (Monterey). With Xcode 13 presented at WWDC 2021, they introduced the notarytool which aims to improve the notarization workflow.

In automated and manual processes, the Xcode command line xcrun altool was previously the main way to perform notarization outside the Xcode GUI. In the Xcode 13 release the GUI workflow has not changed, you submit a build result to the Apple Notary Service using the Product > Archive > Distribute App procedure, but now in this process the atool has been replaced by the notarytool.

What improvement can be gained from the notarytool? #

The overall impression is that the new tool and related processes are generally faster. Apple seems to have worked mostly on the backend, and the notarytool is now also a native Cli tool (the previous altool was java-based)

Well, we already know that notarization is best accomplished using the latest Xcode command line tools, so now it is time to get familiar with the notarytool that is part of the new Xcode 13, especially when customizing the Notarization Workflow.

man page:

carbon (7).png

The following is a quick run-through of using the new notarytool workflow, which summarizes the detailed Apple Developer document, here in somewhat abbreviated form.

Store credentials to Keychain #

This is an interactive command and process that securely stores your credentials in the Keychain.


xcrun notarytool store-credentials

You reference these credentials later using them with a custom profile name. For a local workflow, it is sufficient to select the option to authenticate with an Apple ID and an app-specific password.

For an AppleID, you can set up an app-specific password to log in to an app or service that is not provided by Apple; read more about this here.


  1. Log in to using your AppleID (associated with a developer or team account).
  2. In the Security > App-specific passwords section, click “Generate password…”
  3. Enter a password label
  4. Make a note of the displayed password (displayed only once)
  5. Open the
  6. Start the interactive xcrun notarytool store-credentials process - note we’ll use "AC_NOTARY" as ProfileName in following examples
  7. Where it is requested enter your Apple ID, app specific password and Developer Team ID.

example run:

carbon (8).png

Submit application #


xcrun notarytool submit --keychain-profile "AC_NOTARY"

example run:

carbon (10).png

Check Status #


xcrun notarytool history --keychain-profile "AC_NOTARY"

example run:

carbon (14).png

Stapling #

You should attach the ticket to your software using the stapler tool, this ensures that Gatekeeper can find the ticket even when a network connection isn’t available.


xcrun stapler staple

Retrieves a ticket and attaches it to the supported file format at path. Supported file formats are:

  • code-signed executable bundles
  • signed “flat” installer packages
  • UDIF disk images

example run:

carbon (25).png

man help page:

carbon (24).png

Validate notarization #


xcrun stapler validate
spctl -a -vv

Have a look at app details and status on AppSandbox, Hardening, Notarization, Gatekeeper, and CodeSigning with this great utility app called Apparency.

example app, notarized:

Screenshot 2021-09-02 at 14.48.19.png

Conclusion #

We have learned how to use the new Apple notarytool that is part of Xcode 13. The steps shown above represent a rather trivial example, but the underlying processes can also be used in more complex applications.

Additional resources: #